Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Oh, wow -- more urban ruins. I've got this sudden urge to scrape up some money for a plane ticket to Russia.

The future emerges like a particularly unmanageable fungus; places like the ones chronicled above are nothing less than upwellings in the temporal fabric. The future is here; you just have to know where to go and how to look.

(Thanks again to Sauceruney.)


  1. From the link
    They are eternity.

    No they're not. In they are monuments to a failed poltical system whose successor state can't muster the will to create a decent salvage industry. Leave a building or two up as a historical park, tear the rest down and create some wealth with that garbage.

    It's only the future if things go to hell in a handbasket.

  2. Man, that urban ruin fan boy is goanna be in hog heaven after the oil runs out and civilization collapses! There won’t be enough film in his camera.

  3. Mac, I followed a link back a couple of layers and discovered some very evocative sepia images titles "Dead Mars."


  4. Those sepia pictures are great! Very "Martian."
