Thursday, June 02, 2005

Russia Against 'Militarization of Space'

"While he mentioned no country by name, Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov's comments reflected persistent wariness over U.S. intentions, despite arms control deals and increased cooperation between the Cold War foes since the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union.

"'Russia's position on this question has not changed for decades: We are categorically against the militarization of space,' the Interfax news agency quoted Ivanov as saying during a visit to the Baikonur space facility in Kazakhstan."


  1. Well, yes, they're against it now that they can't afford it.

    When Russia was the U.S.S.R they sure weren't against it. And if the situation were reversed I'd lay good odds they'd be arming satellites and pushing orbital bombardment systems up as fast as they felt they needed.

    Crap - there I go again, being practical.

  2. kinetic harpoons. yeah, baby!!
