Thursday, July 21, 2005

David Lynch: "I am starting this foundation to ensure that every child in America who wants to meditate can learn. Our schools are under enormous pressure to cram as much information as quickly as possible into a student's brain. But the sheer amount of information is exploding so fast that students are physically incapable of absorbing all that information and putting it to use. And that is why the problem of stress has become so all-pervasive in our schools. Transcendental meditation makes it much easier for students [to] learn and teachers to teach."


  1. Eastern religions have never struck me as "religions," per se, because of the overarching emphasis on applying one's mind rather than scare-mongering. I agree that transcendental meditation isn't religious; it's what a practitioner chooses to make of it.

    As for schools: The curriculum, itself might not seem terribly intense, but try spending an hour in a crammed inner city school. I think the term "nightmare" qualifies.

  2. Ever since I read Hannibal (which lead me to look into Matteo Ricci and Simonides), one question has been plaguing me:

    Why the fuck aren't they teaching the memory palace in schools?!

  3. This won't really have success, I feel like this.
