Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The girl who woke up on a crane

"Irshaad Ebrahim, of the London Sleep Centre, was not surprised by the incident. He said: 'I treat people who have driven cars, ridden horses and even attempted to fly a helicopter. However, this is one of the more unusual cases I've come across. Sleepwalking is nothing to do with dreaming because it occurs in a non-dreaming sleep state.'" (Via The Anomalist.)


  1. I find this an interesting account. The girl was a known sleepwalker, but managed to get out of the house without anyone knowing.

    She entered a secured construction site, with a guard on duty, but she entered and climbed the crane without being heard or seen.

    She climbed the crane tower, and navigated the narrow boom of the crane to the counterweight without falling or even waking herself up.

    She was awakened by one of the rescue workers, and not by noise or wind...sound asleep.

    If it is possible for a person fully asleep to do all of this, then what we think of as sleep is obviously different for some than others.

    Episodes like this make me more curious than ever about abduction accounts.

    I wonder if this girl has dreams about her previous nocturnal excursions, and wonders if they are real or just dreams. In her case, if she leaves the house, runs around and returns undetected, she may never know.

    I also wonder if she was dreaming anything in particular while she was scaling the crane. I realize she was supposedly in a non-dreaming sleep phase, but very little else in her story sounds normal so who knows?

    What is obvious to me is that the mind can function perfectly well with sub-conscious direction alone. The conscious mind is apparently not a prerequisite. Not for significant periods at least.

    From the details of the story, she would likely have made more, and deadlier...mistakes if she HAD been conscious.

    Curioser and curioser...


  2. The created beings of her subconscious take her body for a walkabout; multiple sub-personality disorder. Once upon some evanescent time, she wanted to be a construction worker.

  3. I appreciated the weirdness here, too. In fact, alien abduction tales were the first thing that came to mind. Of all the sleepwalker stories I've heard, this strikes me as the strangest. Even if simply the work of the girl's subconscious (the most likely explanation), it's strange enough to seem almost "paranormal."

  4. razorsmile -

    Too funny. A frustrated tom-boy wanna be "big-iron" operator.

    Alternatively: the crane as phallic symbol, and her climb a symbolic "penile attachment" as metaphor for her frustration at being but a lass.

    A gargantuan "strap-on" upon which she could to sleep in peace.

    Yes, the "high strangeness" leads in many potential directions. *S*

