Monday, July 25, 2005

Is there anyone out there . . .Yes, 15,000 times, yes

"The most common sightings included reports of orange-coloured discs, spheres, triangles and balls of fire which could change formation. An undisclosed but 'considerable' number were seen over RAF and US air force bases in England."


  1. OK, so the down side to daily blooging, is a real life schedule causing time constraints leading to ‘Filler’ posts. Just kidding Mac, we realize that you do not lead a ‘real’ life! ;]
    Just how does the Posthuman one pay the bills? This has never been explained to us. No word on anything remotely resembling a ‘Job’.
    Is he secretly funded by ETs?
    Has he found a worm hole leading to a Dwarven treasure hoard?
    CIA black budget money funneled to him?
    Jedi mind control techniques used on the landlord?
    It remains a mystery.

  2. I don't wrote about my job here for what I consider good reason: It's horribly dull! But hopefully I can change that . . .

  3. I had a standing line I always said I'd use whenever people found out I was majoring in English and wanted to know what I planned on doing with an English degree: "Oh, I'm going to train to be an astronaut."

    BTW, I completely pardon Gerald's curiosity. It's kind of fun to decipher the guy at the other side of the screen.

  4. The funny thing about transcending ordinary reality, whether its my intuitive awareness hyper dimensional phase shifting, or Macs hyper link web information-energy mind surfing, is that when people hear that you have stepped out of the bounds of the ordinary mundane life, and entered into an extra-ordinary mode of existence, they immediately think or say, “So have you found a way to make a big pile of cash, and get on EZ street with all this paranormal mumbo jumbo?”

    What never dawns on them is that money 'is' of the mundane, one of the common every day things that the normal people love.
    One of the deadly dull spirit sapping things we are desperately trying to escape.
    One of many of the reality traps of the Reflective Sphere.
    To escape the belief in 9999 of the ten thousand things, and yet still hold on to one of them (money), means that we have not escaped at all.
    We are still right where the mouth breathers are, shopping at Wall-Mart, trying to save ‘money’.
    And not in that land of misty enchantment that we know is really really real.

  5. The writer is totally fair, and there is no question.
