Sunday, July 10, 2005

I've got this senseless crush on Jessica Alba, despite having never seen her on TV. And, paradoxically, I don't want to see her on TV; judging from the preview for "Fantastic Four," I'm guessing she's a lame actress, and the last thing I need is the cruel scalpel of cinematic "reality" marring my mental image of her (such as it is).

I went through this same star-struck routine with Natalie Portman a while back -- again, an actress I'd never seen (nor particularly wanted to see) in a movie. I suppose my subconscious latches hold of perfectly inaccessible women like Alba and Portman because I intuitively realize it's hopeless.

In a sense, being "rejected" by Jessica Alba is an affirming experience, because it implies that I can successfully predict the outcome of a "relationship." And, warped as it may seem, part of me relishes this certainty, which is all-too-lacking in real life. Invisible Woman, indeed.


  1. Mac -

    My problem with Jessica is that I saw some video of her in a very old cable show...she was a teenager running around in a bikini before she had anything like the body on your post photo.

    Dark Angel almost pulled me out of it, but I'm doomed to look upon her paternally, lest I devolve into a raving pedophile or something. But I tried...I really tried.

    I'm currently in the throes of an infatuation with Jeaneanne Garafalo. Not a babe in the "boobies" sense, perhaps. But I like fiesty little firebrands, and brunettes.

    But Nicole Kidman in Eyes Wide Shut runs a very close second. After that, when she went all cat-eyed, she jumped the shark IMO.

    Great shot of Miss Alba, nonetheless.


  2. Mac -

    As she would never forgive me, please ignore the first "E" in my misspelling of Janeanne.



  3. That is probably the best picture I've seen of her, she looks smoooooth. Last week I bashed her as being just an empty headed hollywood chick, then I read her interview in Rolling Stone. I'm not saying there wasn't spin, but at least she wants to improve her skills and be in better movies, so I wish her good luck.

    Mac, you must at least see her in motion, even if you have the volume turned down.

    You never know the outcome of such a meeting. That's false. I assume Natalie Portman is intellegent. Even more so, I think Salma Hayak is very intellegent, and with your tremendous brainpower, could engage them in a stimulating conversation. can just start the Church of Macology, promise to remove their hangups with technology, and bag the babes

  4. The picture's a real turn on, but I've never understood how people can develop *crushes* on someone they've never met -- someone they've only seen in photos, on TV or in the movies. Can one of you explain that one to me? Maybe I'm not your typical male...In any case, I only develop crushes on women who I get to know.

  5. When I was in high school I developed a crush on a comic book character, a super heroine. Go figure.

  6. "Crush" is a relative term -- and kind of a stupid one. Obviously there's a whole other dynamic at work when I have a "crush" on someone I actually know. I'm sure there's a better, less loaded term for my mild fixation with Miss Alba, but I can't think of it at the moment...

  7. Mac:

    As you may know, Erin Gray rules.

    Still, Alba (who is a less than exemplary actress) is a fine choice!


  8. Mac,
    Jessica Alba was in "Frank Miller's Sin City." She plays Nancy, a dancer in a dive bar. Robert Rodriquez did a great job interpreting the old graphic novel comic books from Dark Horse. It's decidedly "film noir"/"dark humor" stuff, but you might like it.

    Jessica Alba is Nancy

  9. "Sin City" is on my list of movies to see. I actually kind of lament not seeing it on the big screen.

    I didn't realize Alba was in it until recently.


    Man I missed reading this stuff...

  11. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Someone possessing such flawless features like jessica alba demands the attention of any normal male so its not surprising . The crush you have is IMO just one based on the way you perceive her to be from looks and facial expression . I personally try to ignore hormones in these situations because unlike you I hate the idea of her being inaccessible .

  12. Anonymous8:46 PM

    The good thing of impossibles crushes (i am stuck on Natalie Portman's one. but i am a "little" obsesive, and have problems moving from a crush to the next, he, he...) is that you have the chance to find out that the "crushed" one is not so wonderfull -looking, at least- in reallity, even if only because imagination creates its own wonderfull vision.

    I have had greats moments in real life -i am not saign you don't- but allways or almost allways due to things or persons of situations that my imagination -and i am a big consumer of that product- never considered as sources of greats times.
