Sunday, July 03, 2005

I've reentered the "alien autopsy" debate on UFO UpDates. Oddly enough, my chief "opponent," photographer Bob Shell, is convinced the footage is "real," but believes it shows a nonhuman being as opposed to an FX dummy (the conventional "debunking" wisdom) or a human corpse.

As evidence, he cites polydactyly, the size of the cranium, the size of the eyes (which he falsely -- if understandably -- insists are too large to be human), lack of visible navel and nipples, "enlarged" muscles in the neck, placement and shape of the ears, and assumed lack of teeth and sexual characteristics.

However -- and to my considerable surprise -- all of these anomalies are readily explained by progeria, despite some superficially intimidating counter-arguments that seemed to suggest otherwise.

I am now virtually certain that we've found the definitive explanation for the being in the autopsy footage; indeed, I think the burden of proof now lies on the shoulders of those maintaining a nonhuman origin.

I don't profess to know when the footage was taken. While circumstantial evidence indicates it may well be a record of one of the experiments conducted on "expendable" subjects in the 1940s, the footage may have nothing to do with the "Roswell incident" or any other purported UFO crash (although the deep wound on the corpse's leg and seemingly "jellied" internal organs certainly bring to mind injuries sustained in high-speed collisions).

I suspect the next angle of attack on this bizarre subject is the so-called "debris footage," which begs the possibility of an ambitious hoax using a progeric corpse as a prop. I'll return to this controversy in an upcoming post.

1 comment:

  1. You should definitely view the unedited autopsy!

    And yes, the being is female. Shell seems to think we're seeing an androgynous "worker drone" that died in a UFO crash.
