Sunday, July 10, 2005

North Atlantic reaches all-time temperature high

"Ocean temperatures in the North Atlantic hit an all-time high last year, raising concerns about the effects of global warming on one of the most sensitive and productive ecosystems in the world."


  1. I'm very interested in how much of global warming is "natural," as some of it probably is. Nevertheless, we've traced so much climate change to CO2 emmissions that it seems frighteningly probable to me that we're playing a significant role; indeed, if the temperature *wasn't* rising to match the greenhouse gases we continue to pump into our atmosphere, something would be fundamentally screwy with our approach.

    Computer models can be wrong, and they can be wrong for many different reasons. Even so, I think it can be safely assumed, given the current state of knowledge, that anthropogenic climate change is real -- and potentially reversible.

  2. Ken,

    I'm glad to learn you're the opposite of people like Michael Crichton, whose answer to the global warming issue, amazingly, is to blame left-wing conspirators for making things up.

  3. Thanks for this article, really worthwhile material.
