Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Oh my god! Washington, DC is under attack by vague, barely visible blobs of light that look tantalizingly like garden-variety film defects! Seek shelter immediately!


  1. WMB--

    I've only seen it once! (So far...) I was rooting for the aliens.


    Sorry about that. I'm not a fan of PDFs either, although (knock wood) I don't think I've ever had my machine crashed by one.

  2. Kenny -

    I'm an IT consultant. If you need PC work...*LOL*

    Mac -

    This one is a true knee-slapper. The brightness alone gives it away. If such bright lights...bright even from this distance...were actually moving around and above the Capitol, would be noticed by hundreds if not thousands...even late at night. Washington is not a 9-5 city.

    Even beyond this, the resolution of the blobs versus the building itself shows quite clearly that the objects are very close to the camera, and unaffected by the haze and heat of distance.

    They are very nice pics of gnats, gadflies (this IS Washington), or mosquitos, a mere couple of inches away, caught in a bright xenon flash, immortalized in a most dubious way.

    Or it's huge ungodly bright alien craft here for a quick look-see touch and go, with no other witnesses in Washington DC besides this one photographer.

    Yeah...it could be that.

