Friday, July 08, 2005

Outback hunt for origins of life

"'These rocks are the best-preserved old rocks anywhere on Earth's surface,' Dr Lindsay said. 'They give us perhaps our best chance of finding early evidence for life or the conditions that led to life.'

"Last week at a workshop in Perth, Japanese geologist Kenichiro Sugitani of Nagoya University, described 3.3 billion-year-old 'probable microfossils' from the Pilbara that may provide that evidence.

"Dr Sugitani is working with Australian scientists such as Malcolm Walter to tease out the structures' geochemistry and determine if they are a link between life and non-life."

NASA confirms existence of liquid water on the Earth's surface 4 billion years ago

"'NASA is interested in how early the Earth had abundant liquid water. If oceans form early in a planet's history, then so can life,' said Carl Pilcher, senior scientist for astrobiology at NASA Headquarters, Washington. 'Learning how early oceans formed on Earth will help us understand where else oceans and perhaps even life may have formed in this solar system and in planetary systems around other stars.'"

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