Sunday, July 24, 2005

Poll: Americans Say World War III Likely

"Americans are far more likely than the Japanese to expect another world war in their lifetime, according to AP-Kyodo polling 60 years after World War II ended. Most people in both countries believe the first use of a nuclear weapon is never justified."

I think some of America's perception that a third world war is likely is due to the popular fascination with a Fundamentalist Armageddon -- an event that many have been trained not only to expect but, frighteningly, to hope for.


  1. I think you're right.

  2. Mac -

    The wild popularity of the "Left Behind" series is but another symptom of the malady you describe.


  3. "Personally, I think we'll eventually get China, N. Korea, Iran & Co., and, yes, even Russia lined up against Japan and the Western powers. Probably over N. Korea's invasion of S. Korea (possibly out of sheer desperation) and/or China's assertion of control over Taiwan."

    My theory is that once the competition with China over crude oil becomes stiff enough, things are going to get ugly. I suspect we will 1) wait for China to seriously threaten Taiwan, then jump on that as an excuse to go to war against them (the more "important", underlying motive being oil -- but we like to whitewash our motives by playing hero or police man of the world) or 2) play the card we played against Sadaam, and accuse China of secretly planning a WMD attack against Taiwan (when we have no such concrete evidence) and use that as a pretext for war.

    Either way, the conditions being what they are -- that is, we are now standing on the precipice of a global energy crisis -- and the fact that the superpowers are beginning to align -- indicates to me that things are headed in the direction of another world war.

  4. In an all-out military conflict, China would hand the US its ass for lunch, and the US knows it.

  5. Quite helpful data, lots of thanks for your article.
