Thursday, July 28, 2005

The Shock (and Horror) of Reality

"The shock of reality is that life is so unreal, resembling nothing ever learned in high school Civics class or from fictional bestsellers. Pulp fiction and children's fantasy books have no relation to real life but instead resemble a six pack, or double dose of Prozac: diversion to dull the pain. Happily swallow the fiction so you don't gag on the reality."

Actually, I disagree with the specific point made above; I think honest escapism is a necessary -- even commendable -- tool for living. What's truly disturbing is our supposedly impartial news media with its ceaseless lies and distortions: a deadly form of misdirected escapism that, for many, has become increasingly difficult to differentiate from reality.


  1. The Net can be a double-edged sword, but I think it's a "step in the right direction," to quote William Burroughs.

    Sometimes I find myself wondering if the time I spend online is worth it. Ultimately, I think it might be. Since I don't watch TV, I'm content to give myself one (possibly) guilty pleasure.

  2. Mac -

    Reality is not shocking because it's so unreal. It is very real. What is shocking about reality is how terribly easy it is to change it...for good or ill.

    What is sad is how often those who accept and realize their power to change reality are driven insane...or worse.

