Tuesday, July 05, 2005

This account of a "flying humanoid" south of the border is deliciously weird:

"Horacio Roquet: 'It looked like a human-shaped body, 'standing' vertical and just floating over the roof. I was shocked. The figure was not facing me...I was looking straght [sic] at its right side. It was tall. No sound was heard and we both stood still, watching, while I continued recording.'"

An inflatable mannequin? Some sort of remote controlled gimmick? Or . . .


  1. The jittery camera can sometimes be intended to hide a hoax, but this looks like a sincere effort.

    Nonetheless, the question remains as to what the object is.

    My guess, from the few frames where the object AND the camera are relatively still, is a group of balloons from a "rope" of balloons. The shine in the lower right of of the object in several frames either is a result of reflected sunlight, or the object needed a flashlight to navigate the air on a bright, sunny day.

    Since there is ZERO additional relevant information on this video clip, and in the absence of ANY additional clips or notices, I'd have to file this one under "balloons", unless and until evidence to the contrary pops up.

    When something really strange appears...as in Mexico City during the eclipse...people will record what they see. The Phoenix lights is another example. Lots of witnesses taping is indicative of something highly strange.

    When something looks like nothing special to most, they don't bother to video it. Then a single witness will provide a clip like this...where his angle or equipment lends the "mundane" object a "strange" appearance.

    The lack of additional witnesses points to its lack of strangeness to all but this one photographer. I doubt that it was visible only to this one individual, but feel sure it was only strange to him.


  2. Kyle,

    I like your open-minded but properly skeptical take on this.

  3. Mac -

    Thanks. As one who is consistently called a true believer by debunkers, and a debunker by true believers, your comment is a breath of fresh air.

    Best Regards,

