Tuesday, July 26, 2005

UFO sighting in Exeter - again

"The object began changing colors from a bright silver to an orange-ish red. A strange cloud of red and orange flames began surrounding the object, and before he knew it the object stretched out like a rubber band. It grew to about twice its original size, and then it was gone.

"The entire incident lasted about 10 minutes, he recalled Monday morning, but he is unaware of the specific time because, 'it felt like time stopped.'" (Via The Anomalist.)

Classic "Oz Factor." The weird lengthening of the "craft," along with the shift from silver to orange-red, are suspiciously similar to Einstein's depictions of vehicles approaching the speed of light. Could this guy have witnessed an alien vessel making a light-speed "jump"?


  1. The description seems to suggest a Dopplar effect, interestingly enough. This could have something to do with a shift to light speed or a shift to another level of the "superspectrum," to use John Keel's term.

    I'd love to see the entire casefile, as the guy seems like a qualified and careful observor.

  2. Mac -

    If stealth technology were apllied to airships, the military would have a long-range, low-cost, low-fuel vehicle for all sorts of uses. High altitude surveillance, troop and equipment transport, and long-term missions (like our sub fleet).

    Coupled with shape-changing skin materials, low-power OLED display technology, and low-noise propulsion, such an airship could have some very peculiar visual characteristics, particularly from certain viewing angles.

    I really don't feel too confident that the sighting was of something "faster than light", but things can definitely be made to "disappear" from view...even unintentionally. If an illisionist can make a space shuttle disappear on the tarmac, I don't think the military is incapable of similar "sleight of hand".

    In fact, I'd expect it.


  3. and they come back, and not only one or two times more, in that place there something that is interesting for them, and for the people who let this activity.
