Wednesday, July 20, 2005

White House Memo Calls For Slashing Remaining Space Shuttle Flights

"According to a White House staffer, a memo representing official Bush administration space policy calls for no more than 15 space shuttle flights before the fleet is retired in 2010."

We are gearing up for a bleak new space age in which the only space endeavors financed by the government are those designed to kill large numbers of people.


  1. Yo Mac -

    Perhaps the "small government" types are right. Maybe ALL space exploration and exploitation should be by the private sector. If paying customers line up as expected, there would be (financial)room for actual science along the way.

    Allen and Rutan proved it is viable, and Branson has the pockets to sustain it.

    What is needed is a few more Allen-Rutan-Branson groups to pony up the bucks! As Fred (Virgil)Ward said, "No Buck Rogers".


    You know, "Dreamworks SKG Space Operations" would be a marketers dream!

    And if you want to chanpion exploration of the ultimate "vacuum", what better benefactor than the ever-vacuous Donald Trump?



  2. Kyle--

    You know, I'm honestly surprised The Donald hasn't tried to seize a bit of the space pie by now; maybe he's afraid he'll be shown up by Branson.


    I've always been infuriated by Gates' sitting on his billions. If I had that money I'd not only finance a Mars mission -- I'd be the first human on the surface!

  3. I found a lot of useful data in this post!
