Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Another ominous development on the ecological front:

Gulf of Mexico mystery

"'All the coral, all the sponges, all the crabs, not a single living thing, all the star fish, the brittle stars, everything's dead,' said Miller."


  1. It would be really ironic to see "Armageddon" occur in our "sleep", via bio-terror agents.

    I don't think there's any rational argument against the benefit of population reduction.

    In fact, the Chinese population would make a good number for "total global population". Plus, Chinese have learned to live a frugal life, are very thrifty and industrious. (yes, I'm shuddering)

    Yes, the Chinese might not make a total mess of what would be left after global bio-agent death. Even if China lost a billion or more, the Chinese would still constitute the vast majority of the population extant.

    Imagine what just a few generations without a need for a defense budget could do for a "New Society".


  2. And what happens to guys like the ones on the Space Station...?

    Do they come home and possibly die of infection, or stay up there until things just quit working?

    It would be quite a process...losing 2/3 of the population.

