Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Hot enough for you? June-July top the all-time charts

"This will come as little consolation for anybody who has steadfastly sworn that the sticky summer of 2005 has been the hottest ever:

"You're right.

"With two days left in this month, it's shaping up as the hottest June-July recorded in several eastern cities, according to data compiled by the Northeast Regional Climate Center at Cornell University."


  1. Hi Mac -

    One good remedy for the summer heat...place your head deep in the nearest expanse of sand.

    Nice and cool...and avoids any troubling ranting about global warming...

    It's how our government handles it, at any rate. :)


  2. When the oil's gone, what's going to power our AC? We're going to *need* it, too!

  3. "Freak weather" is becoming the norm all over the planet.

    (But this Crichton fellow assures me it's all a left-wing conspiracy, so I wouldn't worry about it.)

  4. Of course, global warming isn't W's (or any one person's) fault. But historically -- if we live to have a history -- his administration will be looked on as the one that could have sounded the alarm and enacted some sane policies that could have lessened the cataclysm for future generations.

  5. Mac -

    Enact sane policies?????

    No way...cuts into "vaycayshun-time" a tad bit too much.

