Monday, August 15, 2005

The Human-Techno Future: How Weird? How Soon?

"If you have these three different kinds of humans walking around in the next 10 or 15 years, is this going to be a recipe for conflict? It's been a long time since we've seen more than one kind of human walking the Earth at the same time. Twenty-five or fifty thousand years, depending on whether you're going back to the Cro-Magnon or the Neanderthals. And when more than one kind of critter starts competing over the same ecological niche, it usually ends up badly for one of them."


  1. "If you have these three different kinds of humans walking around in the next 10 or 15 years, is this going to be a recipe for conflict?"

    In 10 or 15 years it's very likely that we will be having an extremely severe energy crisis. Check out the link below:

    If the oil crash takes place (and I'm pretty certain that it will), our progress of "human-techno" will probably be set back by about 50 years or so. I'm assuming it will take at least that long for the global economy to reconfigure itself and get back on track.

  2. 3 different types of humans walking Earth at the same time ... yup Mac, that's a recipe for trouble.

    Which is why we need to get over the "3" hump fast and have more like 30 kinds. If you have enough factions, there's more bickering and less action. Safer for everyone.

  3. The more the merrier. Bring on the posthumans!

  4. Jon--

    I finally linked to Plvs Vltra. (See sidebar.)

  5. What can I say? I'm an odd strange guy ...
