Monday, August 08, 2005

If Evidence Of Ancient Civilizations Are Discovered Elsewhere In The Galaxy, Will You Lose Your Religion?

This engagingly idiotic article cites "Chariots of the Gods?" author Erich von Daniken as an arguable "father of modern ufology." What the hell?


  1. Mac -

    That..."article"...heeheehee...I...teehee...cannot...hahahaha...teehee...cannot stop...hahaHAHAHAHAhahah...can't stop laughing...hahahaaaa..haha...ha...ahhhh.

    God GOD man, don't you have any mercy???

    I think my heart stopped at least

    Oh, and "...Engagingly idiotic"!!?? You are far too kind, dude.

    wm. bear -

    Point me to the "Bible-based fantasy" that DOESN'T "try to shove dogma down my throat".

    No offense, but it is very difficult to find dogma-based fiction that doesn't have at its root the promotion of that dogma, IMO.

    Best to you both,


  2. This "Raider's News Update" or whatever it's called is a real hoot. They're the same ones who posted that dismal story hyping JPG compression artifacts as Martian ice crater "ruins."
