Thursday, August 18, 2005

In less than an hour I'll be able to claim that "tomorrow is my birthday."

Synchronicity: On the day I was born, Aug. 20, 1975, the Viking probe that went on to take the first photo of the "Face on Mars" was launched. For better or worse, that staple black-and-white image has played a not-insignificant role in shaping my creative and intellectual trajectory.

Additionally, I share my birthday with H.P. Lovecraft, a horror/science fiction writer whose most enduring body of work, the "Cthulu mythos," is predicated on the idea that ancient nonhuman extraterrestrial "gods" have played a secret role in the development of the human species. Thanks to authors like Zechariah Sitchin, Richard Hoagland and Paul Von Ward, this basic concept has entered the New Age meme-pool (albeit in a retooled context). And, not surprisingly, the Face on Mars and related features on the Red Planet have found themselves sharing page-space with "ancient astronaut" theories.

Kinda weird.


  1. Interesting how our lives seem to progressively unfold from a point of singularity -- much like the expansion of the universe since the big bang...

  2. Happy birthday Mac, now when are you going to grow up and make something of yourself? Imagine a mature adult man fooling around with UFO,s and androids, and worm holes of all things, at yer age!

  3. "Intelligent design" might just have some legs if it is not pegged absolutely to the invisible sky monsters of man-controlling religious cults.
    The idea that a tech-superior race might seed a hospitable environment with its science experiments and leave them to EVOLVE might seem plausible if the knowledge of their existence became public fact.
    Or maybe I should drink less coffee…
    Anyroad just dropping in to say many happy returns Posthuman!

  4. What's this? IDers don't want to talk about ET genetic intervention?

  5. It's also the birthdate of my blog, which isn't nearly as interesting. I share my birthday with Gary Busey. Cosmic. Happy birthday, Mac.

  6. I forgot to wish you a Happy Birthday, Mac...

    so Happy Birthday!

  7. Happy birthday Mac and Jon and Howard!

  8. Thanks, everybody! And have a great weekend.

  9. Undoubtedly, the author is completely just.

  10. That is all erroneous the thing you're telling.
