Monday, August 29, 2005

The Line Between Species Shifts, and a Show Explores the Move

"She's not a monster; no, she looks like a very accepting mom as she lies sow-like, patiently suckling her offspring from teats around her stomach. Her wrinkly pinkish skin seems downright human, even to its vestigial hairs. So do her hands and feet. It's her face - except for brooding humanoid eyes with brows - that really marks her as, well, different. There are fleshy ears that start at the top of her nearly bald head and flop down like long tongues, a flattened ape-ish nose and a cowlike muzzle with a wide moo-ey mouth." (Via Aberrant News.)

It's really not too difficult to imagine humans devolving into creatures like this. I can see them now, puttering about their suburban homes, religiously watching FOX News and dutifully stuffing themselves with McDonald's hamburgers. The horror.

1 comment:

  1. For my part every person ought to go through it.
