The Line Between Species Shifts, and a Show Explores the Move
"She's not a monster; no, she looks like a very accepting mom as she lies sow-like, patiently suckling her offspring from teats around her stomach. Her wrinkly pinkish skin seems downright human, even to its vestigial hairs. So do her hands and feet. It's her face - except for brooding humanoid eyes with brows - that really marks her as, well, different. There are fleshy ears that start at the top of her nearly bald head and flop down like long tongues, a flattened ape-ish nose and a cowlike muzzle with a wide moo-ey mouth." (Via Aberrant News.)
It's really not too difficult to imagine humans devolving into creatures like this. I can see them now, puttering about their suburban homes, religiously watching FOX News and dutifully stuffing themselves with McDonald's hamburgers. The horror.
For my part every person ought to go through it.