Saturday, August 13, 2005

Strange fish parade seen in Englewood

"A bizarre freeway of fish swimming by the thousands along the shore of Englewood Beach Thursday morning left crowds of beach-goers agog and marine biologists bewildered.

"'I've lived her for 10 years, and I've never seen anything like this. It's incredible,' said Bob Ricci of Englewood.

"Beach-goers reported that a wide variety of sea creatures came swimming south in a narrow band close to the beach at mid-morning.

"Included in the swarm were clouds of shrimp, crab, grouper, snapper, red fish and flounder. They were joined by more usual species, including sea robins, needlefish and eels."

Maybe they've joined forces to attack eco-marauding humanity. Serves us right.


  1. Gee, thanks Christopher! (Can I call you "Chris"?) You're so endearingly selfless!

  2. Corvettes *and* PlayStation! You're a man of many talents!

  3. WMB--

    Ha! I was reading your comment via email and very briefly fell for it.
