Tuesday, August 09, 2005

'Strange things' along Pacific Coast waters

"Marine biologists are seeing mysterious and disturbing things along the Pacific Coast this year: higher water temperatures, plummeting catches of fish, lots of dead birds on the beaches, and perhaps most worrisome, very little plankton -- the tiny organisms that are a vital link in the ocean food chain.

"Is this just one freak year? Or is this global warming?

"Few scientists are willing to blame global warming, the theory that carbon dioxide and other manmade emissions are trapping heat in the Earth's atmosphere and causing a worldwide rise in temperatures. Yet few are willing to rule it out."

Note that global warming is identified as a "theory." Yeah, just a "theory" folks. Carry on.


  1. Well, although I think it's pretty clear global warming is happening, the activities off the coastline here might not be because of it.

    Over the last year or so, the Juan de Fuca plate has been showing signs of activity -- and very unusual activity at that. Things like sucking in lots of seawater and spitting it back out again.

    All of the strange things could be explained by this new submarine volcanic activity.

  2. TWilliam--

    Point well taken. Unless I misread you, this is what allows Creationists to scoff that evolution is "just a theory" (and technically be correct).
