Friday, September 16, 2005

DIY satellites reinvent the space race

The satellites are tiny--they weigh a kilogram and generally measure about 10 centimeters on each side--but they cost far less than conventional commercial satellites. A CubeSat unit costs roughly $40,000 to build and only $40,000 to launch. As part of the program, Cal Poly takes care of the bureaucratic and logistical hurdles.

(Via Future Feeder.)

Now I'm itching for an excuse to have my very own satellite. How about the world's first Smiths/Morrissey-only satellite radio station?

1 comment:

  1. sf idea occurs - you're in orbit over the planet. Perhaps it's covered in forerunner ruins, perhaps it's even populated by intelligent life.

    So you seed the upper atmosphere with a few dozen of these. Few hours later, they've established orbital surveillance supremacy and you know everything you can know before you land ...

    weevee: cxevh (sexy vehicle, Maserati perhaps?)
