Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Close encounters of the mind kind

The findings were backed by Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, director of the Cardiff Centre for Astrobiology, who suggested claims of alien contact were derived from a desire to believe in extra-terrestrial life.

"It's some kind of instinctive need to link up with life outside Earth, but the experiences that are recorded by these people are factors of the imagination. They have had the sensation of an encounter, but it can not be quantified or substantiated."

I got an interesting-looking book called "Song of the Greys" in the mail yesterday. It purports to explain the origins of the diminutive, big-headed creatures synonymous with "abduction." It's probably a one-way passport to Believerville, but I wouldn't be surprised if scientists like Wickramasinghe are overlooking something critical.

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