Saturday, October 15, 2005

I just got back from canvassing my immediate neighborhood for free wireless Internet service. To my disappointment, I discovered the "free" Wi-Fi I enjoyed yesterday from the patio at Starbucks was an accident; I actually went inside this evening and was routed to the Starbucks wireless start-page, which informed me access was pay-per-hour. No better at Barnes & Noble, where I diplomatically purchased a fruit drink and attempted to log in.

In any case, my naive vision of free wireless hotspots waiting to be tapped has been thoroughly smashed. I think the only legitimately free wireless source in my vicinity is the library across the street. And it closes at six on Saturdays.

A friendly security guard suggested that, technically, leeching Wi-Fi after-hours was frowned upon, but as long as I stayed reasonably far away from the front doors I'd be OK. So I skirted the perimeter of the building, trying to look inconspicuous. I ended up sitting on a metal bench at the roadside watching insects flit among the streetlamps and picking up sporadic service, vaingloriously determined to steal some Net access and ignoring the occasional odd glance from passing cars.


  1. Jon--

    Good suggestion. I'll have to try the local campus where "Elizabeth" teaches.

    Apparently Panera Bread also offers free wireless. That makes a total of three (known) free hotspots in my part of town.

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  3. Good job with this blog. Keep posting.

  4. haha that's too bad I recommend you to start learning how to hack wireless connections you can save a lot of money, right now in japan the 90% of the population have free internet, but this is gonna happen here in america maybe in 50 years so...

  5. Well actually right now I'm using my neighbor wireless because I don't like to pay for internet so I use he's internet.
