Do you read this blog with any regularity? If so, I'd like to know where you're from. Click here, add yourself to the official Posthuman Blues Geographical Matrix and upload a photo (if you'd like).
Entering your meatspace coordinates ensures that PB nanobots can track your movements with unprecedented accuracy -- and it's fun!
Wow! Great turnout so far. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteYou know where iz from Mac baby
Today we have a special feature here at the Station.
Alien Ruins in 3D!
Is this a trick? (snicker)
ReplyDeleteHow am I going to remain a blank if I do this?
(A joke only old fans of Max Headroom will get LOL)
The word verification wonders too, as it is "whtdfk"
ROTF What a coincidence!
Fly, nanobot surveillance probes, fly!
ReplyDeleteI saw a great deal of worthwhile information in this post!