Thursday, November 17, 2005

A reader sent me this screen-capture. Something's obviously wrong. Has anyone else noticed anything like this? Is it a problem with Mozilla? Just curious.


  1. Anonymous7:59 PM

    the page hangs for like 10 secs while its loading, but eventually loads. screen cap looks like the hang stage.

  2. Thanks. What browser do you use?

  3. Anonymous8:09 PM

    firefox (is there another?)

  4. I use linux firefox and don't have any problems. However, I have seen this happen sometimes with sites that use some externally hosted service (stat meters, etc.) The services sometimes fail to respond and blocks page loading until the service connection times out. This isn't a firefox-specific thing.

    If that's the issue here, then you can arrange the page design to do the external stuff last in the load order, so that if things hang for a bit it's no problem because the rest of the page already loaded.
