Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Cuidado: hay un OVNI en la ruta

An English translation of this article can be found here.

"Suddenly, the object was enveloped in a bluish-white light and started to spin like a top and rise straight up, lighting the landscape like daytime. In the measure that it ascended, it issued colored lights in intense phosphorescent shades. It suddenly disappeared to become a glowing dot. I immediately began perceiving an odor of heated metal that blended with a very particular smell resembling sulfur," remarked the traveler.

(UFO UpDates has also posted a timely disclaimer.)

The alleged sulfurous odor is a distinguishing trait of several UFO encounters I consider genuine. Oddly, the smell of sulfur also accompanies reported encounters with "demons" and assorted other "supernatural" entities, including "Bigfoot."

One can, of course, conclude that UFOs are themselves demonic (an interpretation embraced by the likes of Pat Robertson), but I'm more interested in establishing the exact nature of the odor. Is it subjective -- like the illusory sense of burning rubber that sometimes precedes epileptic seizures -- or can it be empirically verified?

If UFOs and "aliens" are actually interdimensional, they may release large amounts of energy into our environment when they penetrate our spacetime; anomalous microwave effects have already been documented, as described in Jacques Vallee's "Confrontations." Perhaps the smell of sulfur is another clue waiting to be unraveled.

Plus, wouldn't it be funny if we were able to build a hyperspace drive only for it to literally stink? Property value around spaceports would plummet . . .

1 comment:

  1. Heh! Just stinky spacecraft would be an improvement! Our current crop of commercial aircraft are stinky and loud.
