Saturday, January 14, 2006

In the never-ending quest for readers (and neat things to do in odd moments), I've begun embellishing this weblog with Technorati "tags." So far, these take the form of one or two labels at the bottom of each post. Clicking them will take you to a whole slew of related material from disparate blogs. If any Net-savvy readers know of a better way of doing this, let me know.

Also, I'd like to replace the PB masthead with something, well, cooler. In the spirit of the button contest that yielded these a while back, I'm accepting entries from anyone who wants to crunch pixels for competition's sake. (I'm still trying to think of a suitable prize. Something tells me advance review copies of my Mars book aren't going to do the trick this time.)


  1. WMB--

    Think of the start-page as the cover of a book and the next "start-page" as a table of contents.

    I agree that it's sort of redundant, but what the hell. I promise I won't add another! :-)

  2. (I'm still trying to think of a suitable prize. Something tells me advance review copies of my Mars book aren't going to do the trick this time.)

    Perhaps your "story-so-far" on Postbiological Cosmos ... :D

  3. Razor--

    I'm flattered, but I'm keeping that one under wraps until it debuts in hard copy -- which might be a while, depending on where things take me.

    Urging patience,
