Monday, February 27, 2006

I was at Starbucks reading Rob Sawyer's "Hominids" when I heard it:

Brazil, where hearts were entertaining June
We stood beneath an amber moon
And softly murmured "someday soon"
We kissed and clung together

Then, tomorrow was another day
The morning found me miles away
With still a million things to say
Now, when twilight dims the sky above
Recalling thrills of our love
There's one thing I'm certain of
Return I will to old Brazil

This is, of course, the song that helped inspire Terry Gilliam's cult classic -- which, in the last few months, has become an overarching theme in my life, a synchronistic template to waking (and sleeping) existence. Now, not even the world's most ubiquitous coffee franchise offers escape.

Welcome to 2006.

Welcome to "Brazil."

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