Monday, March 06, 2006

The Net is beginning to simmer with stories about the weird "red rain." Could this be unequivocal evidence of ET life?

Is mysterious 'red rain' first evidence of life in space?

Amazingly, according to Dr Louis, they seem to be able to split and replicate, despite apparently containing no DNA -- the chemical reproductive code which is common to all life on Earth.

For this and other reasons, Dr Louis and his collaborator, Santhosh Kumar, one of his research students at the Mahatma Gandhi University in Kottayam, Kerala, have rejected all the explanations so far offered for an Earthly origin.

(Via The Anomalist.)

1 comment:

  1. The red vines in War of the Worlds were part of the original story.

    This rain is fascinating, but what bothers me is the concept that a slurry of alien biologicals would fall upon the Earth in a "rain". We're not talking about trace amounts here, we're talking about this stuff pouring from the sky...

    It seems to be me more of a spawning vector. This was not one or two microbial hitchhikers.
