Thursday, March 30, 2006

Pentagon Plans Explosion at Nevada Site

"I don't want to sound glib here, but it's the first time in Nevada that you'll see a mushroom cloud over Las Vegas since we stopped testing nuclear weapons," James Tegnelia, director of the Pentagon's Defense Threat Reduction Agency, told a small group of reporters.

(Via Boing Boing.)

Oh, this is encouraging.


  1. Nothing says "divine" quite like a mushrooming blast of radioactive smoke.

  2. I hope some folks are planning to measure radioactivity downwind after the tests. I wouldn't put it past the War Dept. to pull a sneaky and test one of those fancy new nukes they've been designing.

  3. In the words of the great Eric Cartman...

    "Screw you, hippies!"

    Test away, I say. It's all legal. :-)



  4. I wouldn't put it past the government to test a nuke with the concealed intention of dosing a city with a little radiation. You know, for the good of science.
