Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I purchased "Ringleader of the Tormentors" this afternoon but haven't had a chance to give it the listen I suspect it deserves.


  1. I'm a huge Morrissey fan. Alas, as he is boycotting Canada because of his mis-informed view of the seal hunt (a boycott, incidentally, convenently timed with the release of his new album), I, as a good Canadian, am boycotting Morrissey.


  2. Is Morrissey an Organic Portal hybrid?
    I am.

    I Will See You In Far Off Places
    – Morrissey

    Nobody knows what human life is.
    Why we come, why we go.
    So why then do I know
    I will see you,
    I will see you in far off places?

    The heart knows why I grieve
    And yes one day I will close my eyes forever
    But I will see you
    I will see you in far off places.

    It´s so easy for us to sit together
    But it´s so hard for our hearts to combine
    And why?
    And why?
    Why? Why? Why? Why?

    Destiny for some is to save lives
    But destiny for some is to end lives
    But there is no end
    And I will see you in far off places.

    If your god bestows protection upon you
    And if the USA doesn´t bomb you
    I believe I will see you somewhere safe
    Looking to the camera, messing around
    And pulling faces.

  3. I like that line about the USA. Very under-the-radar and blistering. Very Morrissey.
