I've been using the term "ultraterrestrial" to denote secretive humanoids living in our midst. I should note that this term was coined (to the best of my knowledge) by John Keel, a maverick thinker on UFOs and Forteana. Keel's ultraterrestrials (described in "The Eighth Tower") are essentially denizens of parallel universes; Keel posits an electromagnetic "superspectrum" populated by various intelligences, some of whom downshift to our level and proceed to wreak paranormal mayhem on mystified humans.
While I'm intrigued by the implications of parallel worlds -- whether Keel's superspectrum or something more in keeping with contemporary cosmological thought -- "my" ultraterrestrials are local. While they might possess "paranormal" abilities, they live right here on "our" Earth. So I'm respectfully disposing of the "ultra" label and replacing it with "cryptoterrestrial," which carries less Keelian baggage. And unlike "cryptohominid," another term I've batted about, it doesn't immediately bring to mind large, hairy primates of the "Bigfoot" variety.
Like you said who knows. To close your mind to the possibilities is the worst thing a person can do. Science doesn't know the truth and neither has religion done a good job. Debunking and being a skeptic are easy things to do. So is hiding ones head in the sand in hopes that the phenomenon will go away. Sorry, bud, but the paranormal, UFDO's, extraterrestrials are here to stay and they are going to be more numerous in the near future. Having beings or as you say critters being connected to humans is not tenable. What about bigfoot. There is something out there that is causing these things to appear and disappear at will (and can't be caught). So saying that these things are indigenous to the Earth, makes no sense what so ever.