Friday, April 28, 2006

Today was really tough. My duly chronicled existential funk is threatening to become something uncomfortably close to clinical depression. Fortunately, as someone pointed out to me last night, I'm too sane to crack up; I take cold comfort in the fact that "losing it" probably isn't anything I need to lose sleep over.

Oh, the unforgiving Midwestern blight. Oh, the authorial angst. Oh, big goddamned deal.

"I often wish there was a hell-hound on my trail!"

--Zippy the Pinhead


  1. I'm unnerved by fluorescent light. But even worse is the militant blood-red they use at Target. Have you ever been in one of these stores? Good god, it's horrible . . .

    (Here I go again, lashing out at suburbia...)

  2. Don't know how you feel about the idea of taking medication. I'm not crazy about it myself

    BTW, nice inadvertant pun there.

  3. It's not the lights at Target that are the problem; it's the signage. Take a look. Yow!

  4. NW--

    I'm exploring that possibility.
