Thursday, May 25, 2006

Paul and I appeared on "Radio Misterioso," a program hosted by author/paranormalist Greg Bishop ("Project Beta"). Hands down the most fun I've ever had on a radio show. (The interview will be available as a podcast, so keep an eye on the Excluded Middle website.)

After talking UFOs for two hours we had dinner with Greg and his girlfriend. I rode to the restaurant -- a goth joint with chairs made from car seats -- in Greg's blue hybrid listening to MP3s of 1950s flying saucer ballads. It was rainy and dark, and I felt as if I'd been teleported into the universe of "Blade Runner" -- a feeling I first experienced listening to the strident masculine voice at LAX, uncannily like that of the announcer overheard advertising life in the off-world colonies.

The previous evening I drank martinis (well, one martini . . .) with actress Veronica Reynolds, soon to make her Hollywood debut. She's been taking acting classes and hanging out with Al Pacino.

She assured me I'd make a good character actor. If true, maybe I'll give the writing thing a rest, buy a place in Malibu and throw wild parties.

Prior to Greg's show, Paul, Findlay and I perused a deliciously seedy store hawking cheap women's clothing. Mannequins, in various states of undress, greeted customers on the sidewalk like decapitated prostitutes.

Findlay took the photo above. I'm seriously considering using it for my new author photo.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad someone got the humor instead of offering the typical "Mac's a pervert" comment.
