Radio host Joshua Warren's put a nice link to my site on the "Speaking of Strange" website. I'll be talking on the 3rd.
What have we learned from all the recent Mars data? Is it realistic that advanced life once existed there, and maybe still remains? Has NASA covered up significant information? Mac Tonnies, author of After the Martian Apocalypse, will join us with his views.
After "Radio Misterioso" I'm more confident about interviews. Sometimes I come across as pretty monotone and humorless, which isn't an accurate reflection of my personality -- at least not all the time.
By the way, my agent has met with tentative success re. my new book, "The Cryptoterrestrials" (title subject to change). A major publisher is reportedly "very interested" and eager to check out some sample chapters. Needless to say, I'm happy to oblige.
Hauntings by alien ghosts from the Roswell autopsies.
ReplyDelete:-) Fertile metaphorical turf!