Sunday, June 18, 2006

Russian mission to Mars in 2009: official

A sample-return mission to Phobos, no less!

Russia plans to send up a space exploration capsule to analyse the surface of Mars and collect test samples from one of the red planet's moons in 2009, Russia's space agency said Friday.

"The launch of the 'Phobos-Grunt' space capsule is scheduled for October 2009. The expedition will take three years," Roskosmos said in a written statement.

The first stage of the project "will be bringing back to Earth samples of soil from its natural satellite planet Phobos for detailed research in laboratory conditions," the statement said.


  1. This photo is a better choice.

    Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore the female form, clothed or unclothed, but your blog is not the place I expect to have it appear on my monitor.

    So I was down at my local cable net provider, and had a bit of a wait, I go over to their internet demo set up and bring up your blog, much to my dismay, a nude photo is displayed on the monitor, a monitor placed where everyone waiting in line can see it.

    There I was, perv boy, hitting the porn sites at the cable shop, the only thing missing was a grubby trench coat.

    Make up you mind Mac.
    Is the Sorrowful Post Humanoid One a paranormal-cyber punk-UFO site, or a smut address?
    At lest have a photo of a big rock in space take up the first screen, and the sleek silky thigh appearing further down, so the grand kids don’t get an eyeful when I bring up your site.
    If I had grand kids, or even children for that matter.


    Confused and Aroused

  2. So I was down at my local cable net provider, and had a bit of a wait, I go over to their internet demo set up and bring up your blog, much to my dismay, a nude photo is displayed on the monitor, a monitor placed where everyone waiting in line can see it.


    We at POSTHUMAN BLUES continue to strive to bring you the best in cutting-edge science and paranormal news.

    Although we appreciate your letter, time doesn't allow us to answer each message we receive individually.

    Thanks for writing!

  3. Seriously, though...

    So I was down at my local cable net provider, and had a bit of a wait, I go over to their internet demo set up and bring up your blog, much to my dismay, a nude photo is displayed on the monitor, a monitor placed where everyone waiting in line can see it.

    Hmmm. Yeah, I can see why that could be a bit embarrassing. Sorry about that. I can't promise there won't be anymore nudes (they're kind of fun), but I *can* promise they'll always be *interesting* nudes.

    Smut site? Nah. Although lately this blog does seem to have developed a libido.

  4. Of course, you remember the weirdness that befell the Russians' last Phobos probe...

  5. Actually, a Leather Goddess would be appropriate for a post about Phobos ...

    I'll see what I can do...
