Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Stephen Hawking Warns About Global Warming

Asked about the environment, Hawking, who suffers from a degenerative disease, uses a wheelchair and speaks through a computerized voice synthesizer, said he was "very worried about global warming."

He said he was afraid that Earth "might end up like Venus, at 250 degrees centigrade and raining sulfuric acid."

The comment is a pointed one for China - which is the second largest emitter of the greenhouse gases that are blamed for global warming, after the United States. Experts warn that if emissions aren't reduced the world's glaciers could melt, threatening cities and triggering droughts and other environmental disasters.

Hawking's turning into quite the futurist -- a good thing, because people take notice.

(Of course, this is the same "genius" who denounced the possibility of UFOs being ET visitors because aliens would, of course, land for all to see. Don't get me started on that bit of egotistical insanity.)

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