Thursday, June 01, 2006

What do you know? I was just talking about Meme Therapy; now I discover that I'm featured.

Brain Parade Stranded in Science Fiction

Meme Therapy asks: "We've teleported you to your favorite Science Fiction setting (you'll thank us later). You've just gotten over your initial shock. What do you do now?"


I get myself a cellphone -- or its equivalent -- pronto. If it's anything like what I have now, I'll be able to access maps, surf the Web, seek shelter . . . in short, learn the territory while still engaged in the doubtlessly input-jamming process of navigating the territory.

(I suppose I had William Gibson's Sprawl in mind when I answered this, but upon a second's reflection I realized there *were* no cellphones in "Neuromancer." But my answer stands anyway.)

"Follow up: Did you have to think of an answer or had you already dreamed this one up?"

I'm always living in a genre universe of some sort. Sterling, Gibson, Dick, you name it. Lately I've been inhabiting the world of Terry Gilliam's "Brazil," with occasional forays into Wim Wenders' "Until the End of the World." I know you're not supposed to mix drugs, but . . .


  1. Terry Gilliam's Brazil

    Why the hell would you wanna live there?

  2. I didn't say I *wanted* to live there...

  3. Ahhh, the operative word being "wanted" ...

  4. SFAM--

    AWESOME cyberpunk blog!

  5. For myself, I'd have to go with Iain M. Banks' "Culture" - other than being bored after a few thousand years of post-scarcity doing-whatever-the-hell-I-want, I can't think of any downsides.
