Thursday, June 01, 2006

Why is it so hard to see beyond our current existence?

The inference is an Ultimate Observer, who has immediate and simultaneous awareness of every point of perception and is able to bring all those points of awareness into one single cohesive reality. Mathematically speaking, the last observation of this Ultimate Observer determines which probability occurs, which points of view are valid and what actually happens.

Quantum Physics, therefore, appears to be saying that there is some entity out there that sees everything, knows everything and does everything, and at some level decides what reality should look like. Sound familiar?

(Via PAG E-News.)

I'm don't think the "Ultimate Observer" theory is "proof" of a god-like intelligence, but it may be the closest thing we have to scientific evidence that the universe may be home to an omniscient being.

1 comment:

  1. Or it could just be the first person in the universe to actually find a Borgesian Aleph.
