Wednesday, August 16, 2006

America: In Evolution We Don't Trust

Given that more than half of all American adults aren't aware that the Earth goes around the Sun once a year, it's hardly surprising that the concept of evolution doesn't sit well with Americans. What is surprising, however, is the large number - around one-third - that believe evolution is wrong.

"One in three American adults firmly rejects the concept of evolution, a significantly higher proportion than found in any western European country," said Jon D. Miller, a researcher from Michigan State University who conducted the evolution survey.

I'll be going to Canada this October. I just might stay.


  1. I think you'll dig Halifax. It's an odd city started out as a bit of a redneck port town, but it's evolved into a bit of a cultural nexus. Lots of cool little cafes and restaurants and hangouts. Make sure you take some time to explore. Can't say much for the winters though!

  2. "firmly rejects". woah. i believe these are the same 33% who "fervently support" the current administration. i'm sure most of them are scientists, too.

  3. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Cuanto subnormal.
    Todos descendemos de Adan und Eva.
    Negritos, blanquitos, amarillitos,etc.
    Viva Darwin y la kultura.

  4. Thank you for this article, pretty helpful information.
