Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Kenworthy claims to have received funding from the Australian Film Commission for his project, which he originally proposed as "the art of illusion" by manufacturing fake UFO footage "not to trick people with visual effects, but to create emotions and sensations that would be impossible without digital technology. It is a genuine art event, rather than a simple deception."

A statement on the website adds that the videos were created to "give people a taste of the drama and excitement of a UFO Close Encounter," to supposedly "improve research into videos of genuine UFOs," and to "show skeptics that they often rely on faith rather than evidence."

Kenworthy claims that very few people suspected the clips were manufactured, but observed there were numerous researchers in the core of serious UFOlogy who were laughing and shaking their heads at many of the clips, and not taking the website at all seriously. Most noteably, the video clips of a supposed alien, a UFO "attacking a car, a box formation of UFO lights, and a video supposedly shot from a plane's in-camera system were regarded as bogus just by their appearance alone.

Huh? You mean that shambling, mummy-like alien (accompanied by the videographer's labored breathing) isn't smoking-gun proof of extraterrestrial visitation? I'm shocked.

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