Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I took this in a local coffeeshop. The barista seemed genuinely confused when I ordered espresso with whipped cream.

Later I went to a grocery store to buy cat food. I've decided, for reasons too varied to post, that I really hate grocery stores.


  1. At Starbucks thats called Espresso Con Panna. And I'll have a double.

  2. Yep -- dopio espresso con panna. One of my favorites. I don't even have to ask! :-)

  3. Ech. At our grocery store, they've come up with these "mini carts" for all the little ankle biters to use.

    So on top of the clueless adults and their carts, we've got the little ones running around with their miniature carts.

    The next time I get clocked in the ankle by one of these mini carts I won't be held responsible for the invectives that these little brats are going to hear.

    And yes, I am a total witch that way.

  4. At our grocery store, they've come up with these "mini carts" for all the little ankle biters to use.

    That's easily one of the stupidest ideas I've heard in a while.
