Thursday, September 28, 2006

Carl Sagan's "Cosmos" TV series -- online in its entirety (at least for now).

This is a very good thing, as I

a.) don't have a TV


b.) haven't seen every episode, despite having once been something of a Saganite. (I suppose I still am; only now Sagan's rubbing shoulders with a much larger crowd of influences . . . and presumably enjoying it.)


  1. Ughh. the image quality is terrible. God I hate the internet sometimes. Seriously, even a cheapo TV will display this priceless gem of a series better than crappy google video.

    Sorry for the rant, but we have a right to expect the internet to be better than this by the year 2006.

  2. I'm actually tempted to get a cheap -- preferably used -- TV/VCR combo so I can comb through obscure videotapes...

  3. Mac:

    For GOD'S SAKE, get a freakin' TV!!

    I say that not only as your friend, but also as a television producer.



  4. I've got nothing against TVs...

    (No, wait -- I'm lying. I *hate* the f*cking things!)

    ...but, as always, it's because of the crap that's on them. So a VCR combo is certainly within the realm of possibility.
