Friday, September 15, 2006

First Woman Gets Bionic Arm

Thanks to the efforts of researchers at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, supported by nearly $50 million in funding from DARPA, Claudia Mitchell has become the fourth person and first woman to get outfitted with a bionic arm, which allows her to perform functions simply by thinking about them.

A promising step, yet somehow not as sci-fi cool as one of these.


  1. I just read this article today, which ties in nicely with this story:

    I read in another article about this same guy that the manufacturer of his arms told him to "abuse" them, and he got so enthusiastic when doing some yardwork that he tore the hand component of one of the arms right off. Dude is hard core.

    And I love the fact that Claudia Mitchell is a former Marine. Ooo Rah! ;o)

  2. It's only fair that military get first dibs on these. It's the *least* we can do.

  3. I want four of those sticking out of my back :D


    *with the caveat, of course, that i'd get the necessary brain-augs to control them as easily as i currently do my current standard-issue appendages
