Friday, September 15, 2006

My doctor just called. They want to cut me open.

I have "gall bladder sludge," a painful build-up of material that my guts are either unable or just plain insolently unwilling to break down. Apparently if I let this go it could evolve into something much, much worse that what I'm experiencing now.

I'm basically enthusiastic and relieved that they actually found something wrong with me. On the other hand, it's a little galling (pun intended); I'm 6'2", 175 lbs. I eat sparingly; I consider a Coke "dessert." I think the last time I ate meat was 10 years ago. Couldn't this have happened to someone else? Then again, I've been lucky on the surgical front . . . come to think of it, I've never had surgery, so at least this will be a novel experience. And one I'll be sure to blog.


  1. That's why I love being a meat eating, alcohol imbibing, sweets loving kind of person. Of course, my Germanic heritage gives me the constitution of a horse. And with all the e-coli infested spinach, I thank the hubby for being a strictly a meat and potatoes kind of guy, as that's the diet I usually live by. :o)

    weevee: nuakd - make of this what you will. :o)

    But in all seriously, I hope that whatever procedure you have goes well, and that you end up healthy and happy. :o)

  2. weevee: nuakd - make of this what you will.

    A cross between "nuked" and "naked"?

  3. I didn't want to say it, but yeah, that's kind of how I interpreted it.

  4. Mac:

    Good luck with your surgery. I'm assuming you'll be in the hospital for a while, right? Hope you're back on your feet soon.



    weevee: mdchhs - medical diagnosises can help homo sapiens

  5. Ray--

    Yeah, I'll be recouping for a few days. Fortunately the operation won't conflict with my presentation in Halifax next month.

    I think I should bounce back fairly quickly; I seem to recover from injuries/illnesses pretty well. (When I broke my arm earlier this year the doctor told me I'd never be able to fully rotate it again. I had full motion back within weeks of getting the splint off.)

    BTW, nice weevee translation!

  6. Fortunately the operation won't conflict with my presentation in Halifax next month.

    You'd better hope not. Or did you not read the small-print in your contract, i.e. the part about where I get your immortal soul if you don't show.



  7. P.S. Best wished for a speedy recovery from the op!

    My barium enema experience doesn't seem so bad now.

  8. P.S. Best wished for a speedy recovery from the op!


    My barium enema experience doesn't seem so bad now.

    Er... actually, yes it does. It was pretty painful, and - unlike you - I didn't get to snooze through it.

    On the plus side, once it was over it was over - no recovery time.

  9. When are you going in?

    I think you'll enjoy the anethetic and the weird feeling of sinking into oblivion.

    I'm glad they caught it now.

    I do hope for a speedy recovery.

  10. I think you'll enjoy the anethetic and the weird feeling of sinking into oblivion.

    Is that anything like what I feel when I go to my day job?
