Sunday, October 22, 2006

A couple quick observations:

Here in Kansas City, I've been noticing yard signs condemning the new stem cell proposal. I'm considering running them down with my car.

And while I typically abhor political mud-flinging, I've seen Talent up close and in person -- and he's an asshole.


  1. I invite you to visit my blog. Hope you like it!!!

  2. Oh wow. It's a shame to see how badly MJF's condition has deteriorated. I hate how people put stupid effin' religious b.s. in front of research that could help so many people.

  3. Jim Talent is a creep. Seeing him was like being around a lizard. Maybe David Icke's onto something!

    As far as I'm concerned, anyone who opposes stem-cell research is a total moron.

  4. Anonymous10:42 PM

    What's totally moronic is how a man can check his public goodwill and self esteem to get into the gutter politics of attack ads. Oh well MJF, might as well go out in a flaming blast of incoherency.

    Real American -right-. The only way he's a real American is he gets sick and dies like everyone else, regardless of his startdom and money.
