Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The fab five!

From left to right: Fortean extraordinaire Nick Redfern, po-mo UFO researcher Greg Bishop, film-maker Paul Kimball, archivist/programmer Will Wise, me.

(Click here for the full-size version. Thanks, Paul.)


  1. Mac:

    Actaully, the thanks is owed to Greg, who sent me the photo yesterday - it was taken with his camera, by Lisa, Will's wife.


  2. I was going to ask about that...

    Anyway, thanks for posting it. Damn, we look suave!

  3. Anonymous9:21 PM

    OK, next time I promise to put my arm around you so you're in the group hug! Now I feel bad. In my defense, however, I was the only one drinking hard alcohol!

    Seriously though I had a great time discussing our posthuman future with you and hope we'll be able to do it again soon!


  4. Tell Lisa thanks for putting up with my incessant perceived need to chronicle the trip with a low-end digital camera! She did good work!
